Quagga Rare Books & Art online auction

Our latest online auction is up and running. Click here to view and place your bids: http://www.quaggabooks.co.za/category/auction

Last month we were at the Wanderer’s Club in Johannesburg for the SAADA Antiques Fair. It was wonderful so see all of our clients from up country and meet a few new ones.

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This month I’d like to highlight a recent acquisition. Cap De Bonne Esperance Manuscript Chart. A rare hand drawn map of the Cape Peninsular.

The orientation of this chart is unusual and large, fictitious river mouths are shown around the peninsular. The cartouche is in French with a key to points marked on the vignette of Table Mountain. The fort is shown at Cape Town and a few other buildings, but very little else, not even at Simon’s Town. This chart was probably drawn by a French Pilot around 1680 and its primary use was for navigation around the coastline of the Peninsular. Click on the image for more details.

Some other interesting new stock


A Nobody in Mashonaland or the Trials and Adventures of A Tenderfoot


Wild Life in Central Africa


The Present State of the Cape of Good-Hope: Containing a Practical Account of the several Nations of the Hottentots: 2 Volumes


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